

Why Snoring Shouldn't Be Ignored

Snoring is more than just a loud and annoying noise. It can be an indicator of a Sleep Breathing Disorder (SBD) that can be very serious. Approximately 42 million Americans have a SBD.

The most common form of a SBD is Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a medical condition where your tongue and soft tissues close off your airway and stop air from entering your lungs.

  • Sleep apnea can also cause memory problems, weight gain, impotence, and headaches if not treated.
  • Untreated OSA can lead to a 30% or more reduced survivability rate over the course of 20 years.
  • Drowsy driving is responsible for, at the very least, 100,000 car accidents, 40,000 injuries, and 1,550 deaths per year.
  • Approximately 38,000 deaths occur on an annual basis that relate to cardiovascular problems that in one way or another are connected to Sleep Apnea. These problems include high blood pressure, hypertension and stroke, among others.

OSA occurs when the muscles and tissue surrounding the throat relax causing the airway to completely collapse and block airflow into the lungs. The blockage cuts off the oxygen supply to the body and brain. The airway obstruction persists until the brain partially awakens the person.

The repeating cycle – falling asleep, muscles relaxing, airway collapsing, unconsciously awakening with a gasp _ is the reason there is never a restful night of sleep. The lack of oxygen puts extra stress on the entire body, especially the heart.

Sleep apnea is a serious chronic disease that may trigger other serious health problems:

  • Chronic Sleepiness 
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Morning Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Depression

Snoring is the sign of a breathing problem. It occurs when the jaw opens and the tongue falls into the back of the throat, causing the airway to narrow and forcing air through the smaller opening. This creates sound vibrations in the throat known as snoring. Snoring can seriously affect your quality of life. It can be embarrassing and inconvenient, and can cause problems in relationships. In some cases, snoring is a red flag for a more serious medical problem called obstrictive sleep apnea (OSA).

The Affects of OSA Are Alarming

of heart attack patients have mild OSA
0 %
of type 2 Diabeties sufferers have sleep apnea
0 %
car accidents annually
0 K
of obese type 2 Diabetic patients suffer from sleep apnea
0 %
of patients with mild OSA have Hypertension
0 %
more at risk for stoke
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Of Sleep Apnea

Inconsistent breathing during sleep





Gasping, choking, or coughing during sleep

Trouble concentrating or remembering things

Extreme sleepiness throughout the day

Lethargic feelings

Morning headaches

Lack of interest in hobbies

Dry mouth and/or sore throat in the morning

Irregular heart beat

More People Have OSA Than You Think:


1 in 5 adults have mild OSA


1 in 15 adults have moderate to severe OSA


9% of middle-aged women and 25% of middle-aged men suffer from OSA


75% of severe SDB cases remain undiagnosed